
Showing posts from June, 2023

Should You Consider Double Glazing For Your Home Windows?

With rising electricity prices and increased activity in the real estate market, more and more homeowners are exploring the option of double-glazed windows. Single-glazed windows provide very little insulation. This means that in our scorching hot summers, the heat is transferred directly into the home, requiring increased use of air conditioning. Likewise, on our winter nights, the heaters work overtime to maintain a comfortable temperature. In addition, single-glazed windows provide minimal noise reduction and lack the strength of double-glazed windows resulting in a security risk for your family. What Are The Benefits Of Double Glass Windows? Better Insulation: Double glazing consists of two glass panes with a layer of air or gas trapped between them, providing better insulation than single-glazed windows. This insulation helps to reduce heat transfer, keeping your home warmer in winter and cooler in summer. So you can have better energy savings and lower utility bills with double g